Tuesday 26 July 2011

Thursday 21 July 2011

Bye bye cherries

Czeresnie - moje ulubione letnie owoce.
Przedkladam je swieze nad dzemy, soki, konfitury...
Chrupiace, soczyste, ze sliska ciemnobordowa skorka.
Najlepiej smakuja prosto z drzewa, chociaz ostatnio taki rarytas to rzadkosc.

W dziecinstwie glowny produkt bizuterii domowej roboty;), czy ktos jeszcze "nosil" wisniowe lub czeresniowe kolczyki?;)

Tego lata to najprawdopodobniej moja ostatnia miseczka czeresni (moja mala ma niezidentyfikowana alergie, wiec i czeresnie musze odstawic).
Coz, za rok beda kolejne, rownie pyszne:).


Cherries are definitely my favourite summer fruit.
I prefer them fresh to jams, juices, conserves etc.
Crunchy, juicy balls with slippery, dark red skin.
Best just picked up from a tree, but recently that would be a luxury.

In my childhood a main product of home-made jewelery;), is there anyone else who used to "wear" cherry earrings?;)

This summer it is probably my last bowl of cherries (my little one has some kind of an allergy, so cherries are also a no-no).
Well, next year the cherries will still be growing, equally delicious:).

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Polne kwiaty...

To chyba najprostszy z bukietow jaki mozna sobie wyobrazic.
Kilka kwiatkow, zoltych, fioletowych i bialych, rosnacych przypadkowo przy drodze, pare klosow i juz.
Samo zielsko tak naprawde:).
A ja tak lubie takie wiazanki.
Pachna oblednie, jak ciepla, rogrzana laka latem...

I tylko czerwonych makow brakuje mi do kompletu.


It must be the simplest bunch of flowers imaginable.
A few yellow, purple and white flowers, growing near the road, a couple of grass spikes and that is it.

Just some weed, to be honest:).

But I just love bouquets like this one.
They smell really amazing, like a warm, summer meadow...

The only thing missing here are the poppies, red poppies.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Summer days...

Ostatnio zostalismy obdarzeni ciepla, sloneczna pogoda.
I blekitnym niebem nad nami.
I kwiatami pieknymi dookola.
A deserem obdarzylam sie sama;) (zrobilam lody jogurtowo-malinowe, przepis tutaj)

Dlaczego agielskie lato nie moze zawsze tak wygladac...?;)


We've been blessed with lovely, hot weather recently.
And blue sky.
And beautiful flowers.
And good desserts (ok, this one I blessed myself with;), a raspberry-yoghurt ice cream, the recipe is here, although only in Polish, sorry).

Why can't British summer be like this always?;)