Sunday, 24 November 2013

My favourite dessert :)

Moj ulubiony deser zdecydowanie - pyszne tiramisu.
Uchwycony slodki moment niedzieli...
Na zakonczenie lunchu z kolezanka, w malej wloskiej pizzeri, w deszczczowym dzis Londynie.


My favourite dessert by far - a lovely, moist tiramisu.
A sweet accent of Sunday...

Served just after lunch with a friend, in a small Italian pizza place, in a very rainy London today.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

More changes??

Wlasnie dzis podjelismy decyzje, ze... bedziemy sie przeprowadzac:)). Decyzja podyktowana glownie duza odlegloscia od mojej nowej pracy, ale tez potrzeba zmian, nowego, swiezosci...

Niedlugo dopiero zaczniemy poszukiwania nowego miejsca, wiec przeprowadzka realistycznie moze nastapic dopiero za rok (a moze i dluzej?), wiec moze to nieco szalone, ale nie moglam sie powstrzymac, by nie wrzucic garsci inspiracji.

Takie wnetrza, na ktore kilka lat temu w ogole bym nie spojrzala ostatnio bardzo mi sie podobaja. Duzo bieli i drewna (to akurat bez zmian;)), minimalistycznie, czysto, pusto i raczej nowoczesnie.


Just today we made a decision... we will be moving:)). The main reason is the distance from my new work, but also a big need for changes, for something new and fresh...

We will soon be only starting to look for a new place, so realistically we might be moving in a year (or more) from now, so it may seem a little crazy, but I could not resist and just had to add some inspirational photos. 

These are the interiors that I like so much lately, even tough a few years back I would not have looked at them twice. Lots of white and wood (this has not changed actually;), minimalistic, empty, fresh and rather modern. 

Saturday, 2 November 2013

It is my birthday...

and here is song, which fits in just perfect:).

In the 33rd year of her journey 
She hits the hard land of wonder  
That nothing prepared her for  
And the guide books go blank and guideless 
And the guiding lights are holes in the darkness 
And parachutes won't unfold
It's her birthday - the candles are burning  
And the memories keep returning  
Glossy postcards from some other life  
She reopens her box of glory  
But she can only see blossoms falling  
How the gravity brings things down
Am I the river, or am I the boat?  
There's swirly dark water wherever I go  
Am I the paper, or am I the pen 
 Possessed and driven By some Greater Hand...?
So tired of constant trying 
In the red eye of another day dying 
She sees beauty she'll never embrace  
Still haunted by phantoms of freedom 
She turns to the innocent wisdom  
Engraved in her daughter's face
Am I the river, or am I the boat?  
There's swirly dark water wherever I go  
Am I the paper, or am I the pen  
Possessed and driven By some Greater Hand...?
So, could it be love is all that matters  
That rough pillow of splinters and feathers  
No one ever can rest upon?  
As she follows the smell of roses  
Is she choosing or being chosen  
Moving closer or farther from home?
Am I the river, or am I the boat?  
There's swirly dark water wherever I go 
 Am I the paper, or am I the pen  
Possessed and driven By some Greater Hand...?