Wychodzilam na spacerach jakies 50km.
Znam juz wszystkie zakatki w sasiedztwie.
Zmienilam, na wspolke z mezem, ok. 200 pieluch;).
Spalam tak malo, ze lepiej nie liczyc godzin;).
Przeszlam dwa bolesne zapalenia piersi...
Coz, kto powiedzial, ze macierzynstwo jest proste?
Ale zostalam obdarowana najpiekniejszymi usmiechami na swiecie, ktorych nic ani nikt nie jest w stanie zmierzyc:)).
This month I have walked around 50km on the walks with pram.
I know all the corners in the neighborhood by now.
Have changed, together with my husband, around 200 nappies;).
Slept so few hours that it is better not to count them;).
I have had painful mastitis twice.
Well, who said that being a mother is easy?
But I have received the most beautiful smiles, that nothing and nobody can measure:)).