Sunday 6 October 2013


Mielismy w tym roku sporo naprawde pieknych, slonecznych jesiennych dni.
Uwielbiam te mocne, nasycone czerwienie, pomarancze i zolcie...
Baraszkowanie z Nadia wsrod opadlych lisci i poszukiwania tego najladniejszego:).
I nawet jesli czasami nie jest tak do konca sucho i potem trzeba suszyc buty, warto isc na jesienny spacer:).


We have had quite a few really beautiful, sunny autumn days.
I just love these full, bright shades of red, orange and yellow...
I like a lot playing in the fallen leaves with Nadia and looking for the prettiest one:).

And even if sometimes it is a little wet and we have to leave our shoes to dry later, the autumn walk is still worth it:).

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