Thursday, 19 November 2009

November colours 2

Hmm, coz zdjecia troche inne od tych z poprzedniego postu, choc tytul niby ten sam...
Ale... tak wyglada teraz moje otoczenie, w sumie raczej szaro-buro (choc przyznacie chyba, te paprotkowe liscie tworza zaskakujacy efekt - mijam je po drodze z domu do sklepu a dopiero niedawno zwrocilam na nie uwage)... Ale jest zimno i bardzo, bardzo wietrznie. Niebo wciaz zachmurzone, ciezkie od ciemnoszarych chmur...
Czekam na spokojniejsze dni, na kolejne mile jesienne spacery...


Well, looks a bit different from the previous post, although the title is the same...
But... that is what it is like at the moment. The last few days have been kind of dark, brown... (having said that - take a look at these dried polypodium leaves, don't they create a nice effect?). But, ohh, it is cold and windy, very windy. The sky is always grey, heavy, thick with clouds...
I am waiting for quieter days, thinking of the walks I will take next...

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Monday, 9 November 2009


Biel i czern uwielbiam od zawsze, we wnetrzu, w ubiorze, fotografii... Chociaz lubie tez i staram sie miec troche kolorow w domku, czesto w sklepach reka sama mi sie wyciaga po biale i czarne przedmioty, coz wiec na to moge poradzic;).
Powyzej prezentuje kilka ostatnich zakupow, tym razem to dodatki kuchenne... Rekawice w nostalgiczne wzorki, tabliczka wiszaca na lodowce do zapisywania rzeczy do kupienia, tych o ktorych zawsze, ale to zawsze, sie zapomina;), pojemnik na herbate i zegar - do odmierzania przyjemnie mijajacych chwil w kuchni:)...


I have always liked the black and white combination, in interiors, in my clothes, photos... I still want and try to have some colour in my house, but in the store my hand is often reaching out for black and white things, what can I do;).
Above I am presenting a few of lately bought things, this time for the kitchen... Retro pattern oven mittens, chalk board (hung on a fridge) to write all those daily reminders, tea canister and a clock to measure all the nice moments spent in the kitchen:)...