Friday, 23 April 2010

Nowa para uszu w naszym domu

Czyli Kropka:). Jest z nami od dwoch dni. Mimo kompletnie nowego otoczenia w ogole nie jest niesmiala, biega, weszy i wciska nosa we wszystkie katy. Wszedzie jej pelno:). Trudno jej zrobic zdjecie, za wyjatkiej chwil gdy je. A jesc uwielbia;).
Mam nadzieje, ze wkrotce zaprzyjaznia sie z Krolikiem (to nasz drugi uszatek na fotce ponizej) i beda razem kicac po domu.


We have a new pair of ears in our house - let me introduce Kropka (Dotty). She has been with us for two days only, but she is not shy at all. She hops around, sniffing and trying to put her nose wherever she can. She is literally everywhere:). It is difficult to take her picture, only possible when she is eating. And she loves to eat!
I hope she will soon make friends with the Rabbit (on the picture below) and they will soon be hopping around together.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

(English) cherry blossoms

Wiem, ze jestem dzis troche monotematyczna, ale te pieknie kwitnace kwiaty wisni nie utrzymaja sie dlugo... Warto je podziwiac poki sa:).


I know it is maybe too many photos of one thing only, but these beautiful cherry blossoms won't last long... Best to enjoy them while we still can:).

Friday, 16 April 2010

A need for some colour...

Potrzeba koloru to u mnie znak, ze wiosna juz w pelni, a lato w drodze:).
W ramach wiosennych poszukiwan i nowosci zachwycil mnie ostatni katalog Toast: duzo prostoty i naturalnych tkanin w szarosciach i bezach, jak na Toast przystalo, ale i barwne plamy tu i owdzie, niebieskosci, pomarancze, czerwienie... Ladnie.

W temacie pomaranczy jeszcze, w magazynie znalazlam taki wiersz.
Przypadl mi do gustu, a zatem zamieszczam go tutaj...

ps. Od teorii do praktyki droga daleka;). Obiecalam sobie cos prawdziwie wiosennego, a do domu przynioslam szary sweter. Kolejny.
Post ten wklejam zatem rowniez sobie ku przestrodze;) i inspiracji.

Milego, spokojnego weekendu wszystkim zycze!


A need for some colour is a sign that spring is already here and summer on its way:).
A new Toast catalogue arrived in my mailbox a few days ago and I liked it a lot. There is simplicity and natural fabrics in earth colours, of course, as usually, but also splashes or colour here and there, blue, red, orange... Very nice.

Talking about orange;), I found this nice poem in some magazine.
I thought it is worth mentioning here, have a look at the picture above.

ps. Ehm, theory is one thing but practice another;). I wanted to get something springy and colourful, but came home with another grey sweater. A very nice one, must admit, but I have way too many grey things...
This has to stop, so this post is supposed to help me remember that;).

Have a lovely, peaceful weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Jeszcze nie wszystkie kwitna, ale kilka juz tak. Tulipany, ktore sadzilam pewnego jesiennego poranka, jeden dzien przed nadejsciem mrozu i sniegu. Balam sie, ze nic z nich nie bedzie. Ale jednak udalo sie i zakwitly. Taki maly prezent od natury:).


Not all of them blooming yet, but many, yes. The tulips that I planted on a cold autumn morning, a day before the frost and snow came. Was afraid they would not bloom. But they did. A little gift from nature:).

Friday, 9 April 2010