Czyli Kropka:). Jest z nami od dwoch dni. Mimo kompletnie nowego otoczenia w ogole nie jest niesmiala, biega, weszy i wciska nosa we wszystkie katy. Wszedzie jej pelno:). Trudno jej zrobic zdjecie, za wyjatkiej chwil gdy je. A jesc uwielbia;).
Mam nadzieje, ze wkrotce zaprzyjaznia sie z Krolikiem (to nasz drugi uszatek na fotce ponizej) i beda razem kicac po domu.
We have a new pair of ears in our house - let me introduce Kropka (Dotty). She has been with us for two days only, but she is not shy at all. She hops around, sniffing and trying to put her nose wherever she can. She is literally everywhere:). It is difficult to take her picture, only possible when she is eating. And she loves to eat!
I hope she will soon make friends with the Rabbit (on the picture below) and they will soon be hopping around together.