I wlasnie jesli chodzi o te ostatnie mamy taki dylemat. Do wyboru sa dwie opcje.
Pierwsze drzwi, zielone z polksiezycem u gory, bardzo ladnie sie prezentuja z zewnatrz, na pewno lepsze pod wzgledem bezpieczenstwa. Niestety, ograniczalyby one bardzo doplyw swiatla do korytarzyka w juz i tak raczej ciemnym domu...
Drugie, cale biale z taka jakby kratka posrodku. Teraz mamy podobne stylowo, swiatla wpada sporo, ale jesli chodzi o bezpieczenstwo wydaje mi sie, ze jest gorzej. Chociaz z drugiej strony, to tez kwestia przyzwyczajenia, w wielu domach na naszej ulicy sa takie wlasnie drzwi...
Chociaz te pierwsze - takie ladne.
Wiec...;) mamy okolo tygodnia na podjecie decyzji, a ja wciaz nie wiem, ktore...?
Zdjecia pogladowe, przypadkowe sa zupelnie, wygrzebane z czelusci internetu...
After almost two years spent in our coldish English house, with single glazed windows, full of drafts and blowing winds, this tremendous moment has come and we are planning to exchange all our windows, and the front doors.
And as for the latter, we have a little problem deciding, which ones to choose.
There are now two options. The first doors, green with half moon at the top, very presentable, I think. Better when it comes to safety. But (oh, why there is always a but;), they would cut out lots of light coming into the hall in the house that is quite dark already...
The second doors, all white with Georgian grid. They are similar to the ones we have now, there is plenty of light, but safety wise, it is a worse option. On the other hand, tough, we are getting used to it, and many houses on our street have doors like these...
So... we have about one week to decide, and still don't know - which ones should we go for?