Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Sunday, 15 December 2013
3rd Advent Sunday
Dzisiaj... Jaselka w naszym kosciele, pierwsza chwila w tym roku, kiedy poczulam, ze Swieta naprawde sie zblizaja!!
Wieczorem, wyprawa na Oxford Street. I tlum ludzi, robiacych zakupy przedswiateczne... My z dwiema kolezankami, nie bylysmy tam jednak w celach zakupowych, a w celach spotkania. Siedzialysmy w kawiarni i rozmawialysmy do oporu ;) az do zamkniecia!
Czuje, ze jestem naladowana tak pozytywnie po dzisiejszym dniu - gotowa na kolejny pracowity tydzien.
Milego poniedzialku jutro!!
Today... There was a Nativity Play in our church, first moment this year, when I felt, ok, Christmas really is coming soon!!
In the evening, a little trip to the Oxford Street. Lots of people doing their Christmas shopping... But us three, with two friends, we were not their to shop, but to meet. We were sitting in the cafe and talking until they were closing it up ;).
I feel that I am full of good energy after today - ready for another busy week.
Happy Monday tomorrow!!
Sunday, 24 November 2013
My favourite dessert :)
Moj ulubiony deser zdecydowanie - pyszne tiramisu.
Uchwycony slodki moment niedzieli...
Na zakonczenie lunchu z kolezanka, w malej wloskiej pizzeri, w deszczczowym dzis Londynie.
My favourite dessert by far - a lovely, moist tiramisu.
A sweet accent of Sunday...
Served just after lunch with a friend, in a small Italian pizza place, in a very rainy London today.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
More changes??
Wlasnie dzis podjelismy decyzje, ze... bedziemy sie przeprowadzac:)). Decyzja podyktowana glownie duza odlegloscia od mojej nowej pracy, ale tez potrzeba zmian, nowego, swiezosci...
Niedlugo dopiero zaczniemy poszukiwania nowego miejsca, wiec przeprowadzka realistycznie moze nastapic dopiero za rok (a moze i dluzej?), wiec moze to nieco szalone, ale nie moglam sie powstrzymac, by nie wrzucic garsci inspiracji.
Takie wnetrza, na ktore kilka lat temu w ogole bym nie spojrzala ostatnio bardzo mi sie podobaja. Duzo bieli i drewna (to akurat bez zmian;)), minimalistycznie, czysto, pusto i raczej nowoczesnie.
Just today we made a decision... we will be moving:)). The main reason is the distance from my new work, but also a big need for changes, for something new and fresh...
We will soon be only starting to look for a new place, so realistically we might be moving in a year (or more) from now, so it may seem a little crazy, but I could not resist and just had to add some inspirational photos.
These are the interiors that I like so much lately, even tough a few years back I would not have looked at them twice. Lots of white and wood (this has not changed actually;), minimalistic, empty, fresh and rather modern.
Saturday, 2 November 2013
It is my birthday...
and here is song, which fits in just perfect:).
In the 33rd year of her journey
She hits the hard land of wonder
That nothing prepared her for
And the guide books go blank and guideless
And the guiding lights are holes in the darkness
And parachutes won't unfold
And the memories keep returning
Glossy postcards from some other life
She reopens her box of glory
But she can only see blossoms falling
How the gravity brings things down
There's swirly dark water wherever I go
Am I the paper, or am I the pen
Possessed and driven By some Greater Hand...?
In the red eye of another day dying
She sees beauty she'll never embrace
Still haunted by phantoms of freedom
She turns to the innocent wisdom
Engraved in her daughter's face
There's swirly dark water wherever I go
Am I the paper, or am I the pen
Possessed and driven By some Greater Hand...?
That rough pillow of splinters and feathers
No one ever can rest upon?
As she follows the smell of roses
Is she choosing or being chosen
Moving closer or farther from home?
There's swirly dark water wherever I go
Am I the paper, or am I the pen
Possessed and driven By some Greater Hand...?
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Mielismy w tym roku sporo naprawde pieknych, slonecznych jesiennych dni.
Uwielbiam te mocne, nasycone czerwienie, pomarancze i zolcie...
Baraszkowanie z Nadia wsrod opadlych lisci i poszukiwania tego najladniejszego:).
I nawet jesli czasami nie jest tak do konca sucho i potem trzeba suszyc buty, warto isc na jesienny spacer:).
We have had quite a few really beautiful, sunny autumn days.
I just love these full, bright shades of red, orange and yellow...
I like a lot playing in the fallen leaves with Nadia and looking for the prettiest one:).
And even if sometimes it is a little wet and we have to leave our shoes to dry later, the autumn walk is still worth it:).
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Big changes...
Zmieniam prace, z latania na pol etatu, na prace w biurze na caly etat.
Na pewno bedzie ciezej, czas moj skurczy sie jeszcze bardziej, ale praca bedzie mysle bardziej rozwijajaca, przyszlosciowa, jednym slowem: lepsza.
Pewnie bede czasem tesknic, ale z drugiej strony mysle, ze juz starczy;) a jestem teraz na etapie, ze moim marzeniem jest byc w domu co wieczor, kazdy wieczor... I moc jesc sniadanie w domu, co dzien o tej samej porze. I spac w swoim wlasnym lozku! Przyziemne mam marzenia, wiem;))).
Prosze o kciuki, bo jednak po 7,5 latach spedzonych w samolocie, bedzie to dla mnie ogromna zmiana, rowniez stylu zycia, troche sie stresuje...
There are big changes going on right now in my life, that is why there is not a lot of me on the blog lately, and I am afraid it is going to be even less:(...
I am changing a job, from flying part-time to full time office job.
I am sure it is going to be harder, my time will shrink even more, but the job will be more challenging, more of the future, just: better.
I guess I will be missing it sometimes, but on the other side I think that enough is enough;) and I am at a stage now, that my dream is to be home in the evenings, every evening... And to eat breakfast at home, same time every day. And sleep in my own bed! I have very down to earth dreams, I know;)))).
Please keep your fingers crossed for me, as after 7,5 spent on the planes, it is going to be a huge change, also a life style change, and I am a little stressed out...
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Summer holidays...
Nasze wakacje w Polsce dobiegają końca, chciałam więc wkleić chociaż kilka zdjęć, zatrzymanych w kadrze szczęśliwych chwil, zabaw w słońcu, wędrówek po lesie, zbierania kwiatków i patrzenia w niebo częściej niż zwykle:)).
Spędziliśmy przemiłych kilka tygodni w domu moich rodziców w podwarszawskiej wsi. Smutno będzie żegnać się z nimi jutro, ale każde wakacje niestety kiedyś się kończą... Pozostają zdjęcia właśnie i ciepło wspomnień w sercu:).
As our holidays in Poland are coming to an end, I wanted to at least put a few photos, a snapshots of happy moments, playing in the sun, walking in the forest, picking the flowers and looking up the sky more often than usually:)).
We have spent great couple of weeks in my parents home, in a small village not too far from Warsaw. It will be sad to say goodbye to them tomorrow, unfortunately holidays can't last forever... But, along with these photos, many special memories will stay in our hearts:).
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Porzeczkowo, wakacyjnie i swobodnie:))).
Wlasnie tak nam teraz jest!
Red berries, holidays and freedom:))).
This pretty much sums up "now"!
Saturday, 20 July 2013
In Bath:)
Ci którzy tam byli prawdopodobnie od razu rozpoznają charakterystyczne budynki z jasnego kamienia w gregoriańskim stylu:). To Bath, miasto w hrabstwie Somerset, które odwiedziliśmy w ten lipcowy weekend całkowicie przez przypadek i spontanicznie.
Ponieważ stanie w długich kolejkach z małą, zbuntowana dwulatka nie wchodziło w grę;))) mogliśmy podziwiać rzymskie łaźnie i imponujące Bath Abbey jedynie z zewnątrz. Za to poszliśmy na długi spacer wzdłuż kanału Avon i na rodzinny lunch:). Miły dzień:).
Those of you who have been there, will probably recognize the typical Bath Stone buildings representing Georgian architecture straight away:). We went to Bath this July weekend completely by chance and on the spur of a moment.
As standing in the long queue with a little, rebellious 2 year old was out of question;))) we could admire the Roman Baths and the Bath Abbey only from the outside. But we did go on a long, lovely walk along the Avon Canal and for a family lunch. All in all a nice day out:).
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
My new hobby :)
via: Creazione
Jutro ide na pierwsze zajecia z baletu dla poczatkujacych doroslych:).
Pomysl kielkowal mi w glowie od jakiegos czasu. I w koncu - zdecydowalam sie!
Kilka dni temu pojechalam na przymiarke baletek (nie point, tych ktore widnieja na zdjeciu;)) tych nie zaloze dlugi, dlugi czas, o ile kiedys w ogole) i mam sliczne, plocinne Blochy.
Jestem gotowa na podjecie nowego wyzwania, troche stremowana, ale przede wszystkim podeskscytowana, jak to bedzie:))...
I have my very first adult ballet class tomorrow:).
The idea has been growing in my head for a while. But finally - I have decided to do it!
A few days ago I went for the ballet flats fitting (not the pointe shoes, shown in the photos;)) these I won't be able to wear for a long, long time, if ever)) and I have got them, pretty canvas Bloch shoes.
I am ready for this new challenge, a bit nervous, but most of all so excited, what is it going to be like:))...
A na tym zdjeciu: jedna z moich ulubionych prima ballerin, Diana Vishneva, pelna wyjatkowego piekna i wdzieku, niezmiernie utalentowana, a przy tym tak ciezko pracujaca...
And on this photo: one of my favorite prima ballerinas, Diana Vishneva, full of distinctive beauty, so amazingly graceful and skilled at the same time, but also extremely hard working...
via: Dmitry Chetverukhin
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Saying goodbye to winter...
via: Favim
via: suprmchaos
via: regex
Chyba wszyscy czekamy juz na wiosne, a zima zaraz, juz za chwile odejdzie w zapomnienie, a ja przekornie troche dzis wrzucam te zdjecia.
Kioto. Moim zdaniem tam wlasnie zima najpiekniej sie prezentuje. Takich fot mam zapisanych na dysku bez liku, uwielbiam na nie patrzec, tchna spokojem i cieplem...
Podobne zdjecie wiele lat wisialo nad moim biurkiem, zawsze patrzac na nie, przenosilam sie marzeniami do Japonii:). Do Kioto udalo mi sie zawitac, ale latem, wiec plan pojechania tam zima wciaz jest i mam nadzieje, ze kiedys sie spelni....
I guess everyone is waiting for spring now, this long winter will soon be forgotten, but today, in a bit peculiar way, I am putting these pictures here.
Kyoto. The place where winter looks at its very best, in my opinion. I have plenty of such photos saved on my computer, love to look at them, so full of peace and warmth...
I used to have a picture like this hanging just above my desk, when I looked at it, my thoughts always went to Japan:). I went to Kyoto a few years ago, but it was during the summer, so still planning to visit it in winter, hopefully will manage one day...
Sunday, 7 April 2013
In Warsaw
Mimo nadziei na wiosne w Warszawie, w pierwszy tydzien kwietnia towarzyszyl nam nieustannie snieg. Szarobialy, wszedobylski, nieraz sypiacy zlosliwie prosto w oczy...
Wrocilismy dzis do domu, pierwszym sennym porannym lotem, w Anglii przywitalo nas przedpoludniowe slonce.
Jest jeszcze zimno, ale pojawia sie nadzieja na wiosne.
Nareszcie :).
Despite our hope for spring in Warsaw, the first week of April was full of snow. White-ish, ubiquitous snow, often maliciously getting straight into our eyes...
We came home today, took the first sleepy flight and were welcomed by the forenoon English sun.
It is still rather cold, but there is hope.
At last :).
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Easter time!
W tym roku pol Wielkanocy spedzilismy w domu w Anglii, a drugie pol u Rodzicow w Polsce:).
Wyszlo tak calkiem przypadkiem, ale bylo bardzo fajnie.
Mam nadzieje, ze wszyscy mieliscie udane Swieta...
We spent half of Easter holidays this year at home in England, the other half with my parents in Poland:).
It all happened without planning, but worked out really well.
Hope you have all had great Easter...
Friday, 18 January 2013
Saturday, 12 January 2013
Southill Park
Po kilku latach mieszkania w jakiejs okolicy powoli wrastamy w otoczenie, zaczynamy miec swoje ulubione miejsca, punkty na naszej wewnetrznej mapie, takie ktore odwiedzilismy wiele razy i powoli staly sie "nasze"...
Jednym z takich miejsc jest dla mnie Southill Park.
Ok. 15 minut piechota od naszego domu, to wlasnie tutaj przychodzilismy na spacery z mezem, gdy bylismy tylko we dwoje, to tu chodzilam na kurs rysunku w 4-tym miesiacu ciazy, a teraz przychodzimy tu na pikniki w lato i na spacery z Nadia, ktora uwielbia biegac w ogrodzie ziol:).
Zima jest tu zazwyczaj bardzo spokojnie, szczegolnie w dzien powszedni, i cicho, nie liczac kaczek z pobliskiego stawu;)...
After a few years living in one area, we grow in it and everyone starts to have their favorite places, spots on our inner map, where we come back again and again and they gradually become "ours"...
One of mine is the Southill Park.
About 15 minutes on foot from our home, that's where we used to go for walks when it used to be just my husband and me, I had my drawing classes there when 4 months pregnant, and this is where we go for our picnics in the summer and for walks with Nadia now, she loves to run about the herbs garden:).
In winter it is usually very quiet, especially during the week, and silent, except for the ducks in the nearby pond;)...
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